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Digital Citizenship in NZ

Web & Digital/Comms Room: Rongomatane B
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
11:20 AM - 11:50 AM
Breakout Room B, Rongomatane B


John Mazenier, TechnologyOne and Joseph Sweeney, IBRS


Events of recent years amplified the need for digital service delivery and drove rapid core systems modernisation, especially in local government. But has the investment really benefited citizens? IBRS presents findings from its extensive study of New Zealand Citizens' use of and satisfaction with digital services. While core technology and access to the internet are higher than ever before, the study finds that the most at-need citizens remain the least able to engage with local government digital services. IBRS reveals what is needed to improve engagement and ensure services are efficient, effective and inclusive for all constituents.


Agenda Item Image
Dr Joseph Sweeney

Digital Citizenship in NZ


Events of recent years amplified the need for digital service delivery and drove rapid core systems modernisation, especially in local government. But has the investment really benefited citizens? IBRS presents findings from its extensive study of New Zealand Citizens' use of and satisfaction with digital services. While core technology and access to the internet are higher than ever before, the study finds that the most at-need citizens remain the least able to engage with local government digital services. IBRS reveals what is needed to improve engagement and ensure services are efficient, effective and inclusive for all constituents.


Dr Joseph Sweeney is an IBRS advisor specialising in the future of work and the social and economic impact of technology. He is also deeply invested in technology in educational settings and the interplay between technology, learning and pathways to employment. Dr Sweeney led the study into New Zealand's digital services, as well as studies into the costs and benefits of digitising local government services, the long-term national economic impact of software-as-a-service, AI and workforce shifts.