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Keynote - Thomas Frey - No. 1 Futurist in the world - Navigating Unchartered Territory

Tuesday, November 14, 2023
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Plenary Room, Rongomatane


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In his riveting presentation, renowned Futurist Thomas Frey delves deep into the transformative power of technology and its unparalleled potential to enhance human abilities. Drawing parallels from breakthroughs like the electric light bulb and the transformative might of automobiles to the life-saving potential of penicillin, Frey predicts artificial intelligence is poised to become the most powerful human amplifier of our times. But AI is not the only emerging technology to pay attention to. Frey intricately weaves the narrative of AI's interplay with a suite of groundbreaking technologies. From the meticulous accuracy of sensors, the evolving world of robotics, the mirrored wonders of digital twins, to the liberty ushered in by autonomous vehicles and the skyward reach of flying drones, we are at the dawn of a technological renaissance. Moreover, cell culture bioreactors are propelling biotechnological innovations, while the controversial frontier of designer babies challenges our ethical boundaries, heralding a future where our mastery of the genetic code may lead to bigger, stronger, more durable humans. Join Thomas Frey on this enlightening exploration as he maps a future teeming with unparalleled possibilities. His insights beckon us to imagine a world where technology doesn't just supplement but amplifies human potential to previously unimaginable heights.


Agenda Item Image
Thomas Frey
Executive Director
Davinci Institute

Navigating Uncharted Territory with Futurist Thomas Frey


In his riveting presentation, renowned Futurist Thomas Frey delves deep into the transformative power of technology and its unparalleled potential to enhance human abilities. Drawing parallels from breakthroughs like the electric light bulb and the transformative might of automobiles to the life-saving potential of penicillin, Frey predicts artificial intelligence is poised to become the most powerful human amplifier of our times.

But AI is not the only emerging technology to pay attention to. Frey intricately weaves the narrative of AI's interplay with a suite of groundbreaking technologies. From the meticulous accuracy of sensors, the evolving world of robotics, the mirrored wonders of digital twins, to the liberty ushered in by autonomous vehicles and the skyward reach of flying drones, we are at the dawn of a technological renaissance. Moreover, cell culture bioreactors are propelling biotechnological innovations, while the controversial frontier of designer babies challenges our ethical boundaries, heralding a future where our mastery of the genetic code may lead to bigger, stronger, more durable humans.

Join Thomas Frey on this enlightening exploration as he maps a future teeming with unparalleled possibilities. His insights beckon us to imagine a world where technology doesn't just supplement but amplifies human potential to previously unimaginable heights.


Thomas Frey is no stranger to ALGIM. Ten years ago he came and addressed an ALGIM conference where he outlined the impacts of AI and what it would mean; he talked about new transport options, drone proliferation, the challenges of teaching children who could get access to information many times faster than their teachers could provide and so much more. Ten years on he returns to New Zealand and will be shining a beacon on the theme navigating uncharted territory. Much of what Thomas predicted came to pass so let’s see what the years ahead will bring and how we can prepare ourselves, our teams and even our families. Thomas Frey is one of the world's most influential and respected futurists (ranked number one futurist in the world by Google). Founder, executive director and senior futurist at the Da Vinci Institute, Thomas has helped many companies not only look past the present and anticipate how technological change will impact them in the future, but also tackle the immediate challenges they face. Before launching the Da Vinci Institute, an education-based futurist think tank created to inspire minds to build a better future, Thomas spent 15 years at IBM as an engineer and designer where he received over 270 awards, more than any other IBM engineer.